Lukas Müller


@ChilliChap65 Posts

Immunotherapy Success Stories: Has It Improved Your Asthma?

#07 🤩 I was skeptical about immunotherapy at first, but bloomin' heck, it's like I've got new lungs! Couldn't be happier ...
2024-Apr-03 03:26

Exercise for Children with Asthma: Yes or No?

#07 💪 I'm asthmatic and been playing football since I was a nipper. It's all about control and knowing your limits, ain't ...
2024-Mar-29 21:39

Eating Habits That Help Reduce Asthma Flare-Ups

#04 🤔 Not sure if it's just me, but dairy products seem to make my asthma worse. Anyone else experience this?
2024-Apr-08 20:18

Probiotics and Asthma: Is There a Connection?

#13 🎓 As a med student, I can say research into probiotics and asthma is promising but still early days. Take anecdotes w ...
2024-Apr-10 18:58

Can Quitting Smoking Reverse Asthma Symptoms?

#09 😌 I've quit for over a year now. Asthma's still here but attacks are fewer and milder. Could be coincidence, but I'm ...
2024-Mar-26 09:31

Identifying Hidden Asthma Triggers In The Workplace

#01 😟 Honestly, didn't think much about office plants being a trigger until my doc mentioned it. Having to ask my boss to ...
2024-Mar-14 21:27
#06 🤗 freshAirLover88 Yeah, same here! Those scents can really set me off. Had to have a chat with my coworkers about it ...
2024-Mar-23 15:35
#13 ☺️ airwise23 You're right. It was a real game-changer when I started being upfront about my needs. People are more und ...
2024-Apr-04 20:29
#18 😌 Desk plants replaced with artificial ones, and it's been better. Small changes can make a huge difference in managi ...
2024-Apr-13 13:35

Voice-Activated Inhalers: Gimmick or Game Changer?

#04 🤓 As a tech enthusiast, the integration of technology into healthcare excites me. This could be the start of more per ...
2024-Mar-30 23:01
#10 🤔 InhaleExhale89 Good point, Sofia. I hope they make it accessible. Maybe insurance companies will cover it, or there ...
2024-Apr-07 03:14
#20 🚀 Innovation is key. These devices could incorporate feedback loops that learn and adjust to the user's needs and env ...
2024-Apr-19 05:16

Is Exercise Beneficial or Harmful for Asthma Patients?

#12 🎓 Let's not forget, consult your doc before starting any new exercise regime. What works for one might not for anothe ...
2024-Apr-17 18:45

Bronchodilators' Side Effects: What Should Asthma Patients Be Aware Of?

#13 👊 SnoozeControl77 You're not alone, mate. Feeling sluggish post-inhaler is so common for me. Seems like a small price ...
2024-Apr-15 11:36

Daily Use of Bronchodilators: Benefits vs. Risks?

#13 🧐 Overuse can indeed lead to tolerance, making the medication less effective over time. It's a delicate balance to ma ...
2024-Apr-14 07:33

The Role of Rescue Inhalers: Are You Depending Too Much?

#08 😟 Let’s not forget, excessive use can actually worsen asthma control in the long run. Balance and proper management ...
2024-Apr-01 12:56
#14 👩‍⚕️ WheezyArtist89 Lifestyle changes are important, but let’s not underestimate severe asthma that truly needs medica ...
2024-Apr-09 13:22
#24 🚨 Remember, consulting with healthcare professionals before making any significant changes is essential. Safety first ...
2024-Apr-22 22:47

Success Stories: How Monoclonal Antibodies Transformed My Asthma Management

#04 😒 Honestly, I'm skeptical. Pharma companies push so many things. How do we know the long-term effects won't be worse?
2024-Mar-29 15:27

The Role of Diet in Reducing Asthma Medication Expenses

#15 yep, water's underrated. noticed my breathing's smoother on days i remember to drink enough. LungPower34 Amina Said
2024-Apr-15 02:08

Travel Tips: Managing Asthma with Dry Powder vs. Metered Dose Inhalers Abroad

#04 🤗 I hear ya @Wheezie33, but in colder climates, my trusty metered dose inhaler doesn't let me down. The cloud helps m ...
2024-Apr-06 19:31

Parent-Teacher Collaboration for Asthma Management

#03 💪 Missus is a teacher and she’s always banging on about needing more training on asthma. Schools gotta step up
2024-Mar-28 04:30

How to Encourage a Child with Exercise-Induced Asthma to Stay Active?

#02 🤔 Swimming's a good shout for kids with asthma. It's less likely to trigger symptoms, plus the moisture helps. Anyone ...
2024-Apr-01 10:41

Is Your Child's School Asthma-Friendly?

#02 🌈 In our school, they integrated an asthma education program last year, and it's been brilliant! Kids even get to lea ...
2024-Mar-16 17:22

Are Pre-Existing Condition Clauses Affecting Your Child's Asthma Care?

#05 🤞 I feel y'all. Is there a petition or something we can all sign? Surely, there's strength in numbers
2024-Mar-20 04:28
#20 😃 LungPower34, I can help with the petition. I've got some experience in advocacy
2024-Apr-16 17:42

How to Advocate for Better Asthma Care Coverage for Children?

#04 👍 LilWheezer45, you're not alone, mate. I’ve been saying for years we need better coverage. Health shouldn’t be a ...
2024-Mar-25 09:04

Acupuncture Points for Asthma: Fact or Fiction?

#02 🙄 Mate, acupuncture for asthma sounds like a load of codswallop to me. Proper medicine and treatments are the way for ...
2024-Mar-13 02:13

The Science Behind Acupuncture for Asthma: What Does Research Say?

#02 😒 Not to burst anyone's bubble, but do we even have solid scientific backing for acupuncture affecting asthma? Sounds ...
2024-Mar-18 14:52

Ocean Air and Asthma: Natural Remedy or Myth?

#04 🤔 SaltLife88 I hear you, but have you tried actually living by the sea for a bit? Weekends don’t count. It’s a wh ...
2024-Apr-04 02:45
#17 👍 SaltyAirFan89 Definitely onto something. Clean air means cleaner lungs. It's basic science, and ocean air is just a ...
2024-Apr-20 06:32

Nature Walks: A Breathe of Fresh Air for Asthma Patients?

#04 🌲 In Germany, we have what's called a "Waldkurbad" or forest therapy. It’s quite beneficial. Should be more common ...
2024-Mar-23 17:39
#20 🍃 pesti33 Absolutely! Forest yoga blends the physical benefits of yoga with the mental benefits of being immersed in ...
2024-Apr-17 20:50

Acupuncture for Asthma: Ancient Technique, Modern Relief?

#04 📚 natureboy71 It's not psychological, mate. Acupuncture stimulates specific points, reducing inflammation and making ...
2024-Apr-02 15:31
#10 👨‍⚕️ natureboy71 Absolutely, check out Dr. Lee in Edinburgh. Top-notch and specializes in respiratory issues
2024-Apr-11 04:09
#15 🤗 natureboy71 Great to hear! Keep us posted on your progress
2024-Apr-18 07:23

Acupuncture for Asthma: Does It Work?

#12 🤗 Honestly, acupuncture gave me some relief. It might not work for everyone, but isn't it worth a try for a potential ...
2024-Apr-10 03:55

The Impact of Homeopathy on Asthma: Real or Placebo?

#09 🧐 Let's not forget the placebo effect is powerful. If you believe in the treatment, that belief can sometimes trigger ...
2024-Apr-06 17:50

Is Telehealth Changing Asthma Care for Better?

#03 😎 blazeItUp42 Totally with ya. The convenience is top! Prescriptions sorted online too. No more waiting in lines for ...
2024-Mar-19 21:02

The Future of Asthma Treatment: Is It Wearable?

#03 🌟 Got to side with AiryThoughts09 here. Technology's moving at a lightning pace. Imagine a device telling you an atta ...
2024-Mar-20 18:00

Is Gluten Bad for Athletes with Asthma?

#11 🤔 breathwell73 I've experienced gut issues linked to gluten, and they seemed to impact my breathing as well. It's fas ...
2024-Apr-09 05:50

Gluten-Free Diet: Temporary Relief or Long-Term Solution for Asthma?

#13 ⚖️ Gluten-free diets aren't a magic cure for everyone with asthma. It's essential to explore various treatments and fi ...
2024-Apr-18 19:57

Can Reducing Salt Intake Ease Asthma Symptoms?

#11 🤞 My doc never mentioned salt, but after reading these comments, maybe it's time to give it a whirl. Can't hurt to tr ...
2024-Mar-31 22:02