Reza Shah


@BreatheRight88 Posts

How Do Emotions Impact Your Asthma? Stress, Laughter, and Tears Explored

#07 πŸ“ WheezyBoi44 Kacper, it's all about finding ways to express emotions without the wheeze-fest. I write stuff down. Pe ...
2024-Mar-25 21:04
#18 πŸ˜ƒ Community vibes here are strong! Y'all ever notice how sharing tips and experiences make dealing with asthma just a ...
2024-Apr-15 01:04

The Great Outdoors: Pollen and Asthma, How Do You Manage?

#03 πŸ’ͺ Can't be cooped up indoors, no matter how bad it gets. I wear a mask and head straight for the hills. Nothing like ...
2024-Mar-22 19:07
#10 πŸ‘Œ asthmaticArt33 Right on, mate! The inhaler's my trusty sidekick on all outdoor adventures. Masks are top, but havin ...
2024-Apr-05 02:26
#19 πŸ‘ sniffleKing09 Mate, that's solid advice. Breathing exercises have helped me a lot too, especially when I'm out and ...
2024-Apr-22 04:36

Immunotherapy Success Stories: Has It Improved Your Asthma?

#13 🌟 Can't speak for everyone, but I found the initial period tough with some reactions. Stick with it though, because i ...
2024-Apr-12 02:29

The Role of Genetics in Childhood Asthma

#12 🍴 Nobody’s talking about food allergies here. Gluten and dairy got lots to answer for when it comes to triggering a ...
2024-Apr-10 04:55

Probiotics and Asthma: Can Gut Health Influence Symptoms?

#13 πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ It's one thing to pop probiotics, but don't ignore overall lifestyle. Diet, exercise, stress management - it's all ...
2024-Apr-13 07:40

The Connection Between Stress and Exercise-Induced Asthma

#16 πŸ€“ TechTalker10 Curious about that tech you mentioned. Could make a real difference in managing expectations and real ...
2024-Apr-21 22:14

How Does Pregnancy Affect Asthma Symptoms?

#19 πŸ‘Œ NerdAlert91, solid point. I had to tweak my plan with my GP. Always better to be safe and keep things tailored to y ...
2024-Apr-13 12:56

Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Help Prevent Asthma Attacks?

#18 πŸ‘Œ EcoEater88, spot on about plant-based Omega-3. Flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts are great sources. Plus, they're ...
2024-Apr-15 17:04

How Spices Can Influence Asthma Control

#06 πŸ’‘ ChilliHead55 Big up the turmeric crew. It’s not just for brekkie though, I mix it with honey and black pepper, ma ...
2024-Apr-05 02:15

Outdoor Running vs. Indoor Treadmills for Asthma Patients

#02 😟 I gotta disagree with RunnerGal82 there. For us wheezy lot, the controlled environment of a treadmill can be a gods ...
2024-Mar-16 13:56

Flu Season Ahead: Should Asthmatics Get Vaccinated Earlier?

#14 πŸ˜• Heard some folks saying the flu jab can give you the flu. That's a myth, right? Still seeing it float around on for ...
2024-Apr-05 15:55

The Role of Emotional Support Animals in Managing Asthma

#11 πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ Honestly, it's all about that inner Zen. Animals help, sure, but don't forget meditation and mindfulness as tools i ...
2024-Apr-11 06:12

Are Biologics Revolutionizing Asthma Treatment?

#23 🀞 Reading all this, I feel hopeful. My sister's asthma has been a right pain. Gonna chat about biologics with her doc ...
2024-Apr-20 05:53

Biologics and Quality of Life Improvements for Asthma Sufferers

#11 πŸ˜ƒ Biologics have literally given me my life back. I can actually make plans without worrying about an asthma attack o ...
2024-Apr-12 19:11

Breathe Easy: Is Yoga the Answer to Asthma Control?

#15 βš– I've tried everything for my asthma, and while yoga helps, no way it's replacing my medical treatment. It's complim ...
2024-Apr-05 16:00

Salt Therapy and Asthma: A Grain of Truth?

#04 🧐 Always thought salt therapy was just a fancy spa treatment. Can it actually help with serious asthma symptoms or is ...
2024-Mar-26 16:39
#12 πŸ€– What's the science backing this up? I read somewhere that inhaling salt particles may reduce inflammation. Could be ...
2024-Apr-16 05:44

LABAs and Side Effects: What Should You Expect?

#13 😠 Honestly, the side effects are a small price to pay for not turning into a wheezing mess. Just gotta manage them be ...
2024-Apr-18 11:58

How quickly do Leukotriene Modifiers Show Results?

#10 πŸ˜‘ LungsOfSteel32: Tried Zafirlukast for a bit. It's alright, but for me, Montelukast works better. Though, I've heard ...
2024-Apr-13 19:04

Combination Therapies with Bronchodilators: Yay or Nay?

#11 πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Seen some mates do well on combos, while others experienced a few too many side effects. Guess it’s really about ...
2024-Apr-07 09:02

What New Developments Are on the Horizon for Monoclonal Antibody Asthma Treatments?

#19 🀞 Watching the pharma companies closely. They've got a responsibility to get this right. Fingers crossed they priorit ...
2024-Apr-22 02:48

Managing Side Effects: Tips for Those on Monoclonal Antibody Therapies

#04 πŸ’ͺ To LungHero22, mate, I feel you. The first few weeks were the roughest for me. Hang in there; it gets better, promi ...
2024-Apr-10 07:19

The Role of Sleep: Does Asthma Medication Interfere with Your Sleep Quality?

#03 😟 Me cousin reckons his asthma spray's been giving him nightmares. That's proper rough, that is. Anyone else heard su ...
2024-Mar-22 04:05

How Immunotherapy Affects Asthma-Induced Lifestyle Changes

#09 πŸ’ͺ Let's not forget the long game. Immunotherapy might be pricey and slow, but imagine years down the line: less asthm ...
2024-Apr-12 00:27

Nebulizer Vs. Inhaler: Which is Better for Your Child?

#15 😎 All about trial and error, innit? We tried both and stuck with the inhaler. Less drama and my nipper feels more in ...
2024-Apr-14 05:43

`The Role of Diet in Managing Childhood Asthma: What Works?`

#10 πŸ’‘ Stressing the importance of staying hydrated as well. Water helps to thin mucus, making it easier for asthmatic kid ...
2024-Apr-08 23:13

The Role of Antioxidants in Asthma Management for Children

#09 πŸ›‘οΈ TechieWiz88 Spot on! Cleaning up our act environment-wise would cut down on a lot of asthma cases. Meanwhile, incor ...
2024-Apr-09 10:31

Elimination Diets and Their Impact on Asthma Symptoms

#07 😌 Dive deep into those omega-3s, folks. Fish like salmon have been my saviors. Fatty acids seem to calm the asthma st ...
2024-Apr-12 07:20

Breathing Exercises for Children with Asthma: Any Success Stories?

#07 πŸ€“ TechieTot42, what's the name of that app? Sounds like something my tech-obsessed nephew could really get into. Anyt ...
2024-Apr-02 19:23

Overcoming Skepticism: Yoga for Asthma, Does It Really Help?

#08 πŸ€“ Actually, there’s scientific evidence that pranayama (yoga breathing exercises) can help control asthma symptoms ...
2024-Apr-09 05:24

The Cost of Acupuncture for Asthma Treatment: Is It Worth It?

#19 πŸ“‰ I'd rather invest in something with concrete evidence than chase after something that might not even help in the lo ...
2024-Apr-17 01:20

Homeopathy vs. Conventional Medicine for Asthma: A Comparison

#09 🧐 IndieKid77 That's an interesting point, Jasper, but how many homeopathic remedies have actually passed rigorous sci ...
2024-Apr-02 21:18

Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Really Ease Asthma Symptoms?

#05 πŸš‘ GreenInhaler88 Aye, it’s a mixed bag. Supplements like Omega-3 might help some, but it’s no substitute for pres ...
2024-Mar-16 11:12

Indoor Vs. Outdoor Exercise: What's Better for Asthma?

#11 πŸ‘Ÿ PuffMaster99 I like your style. Rotating based on conditions sounds like a sensible strategy. Keeps things interest ...
2024-Apr-12 12:34

Mindfulness and Meditation: Alternative Paths for Asthma Relief?

#14 πŸ›‘ Let's not get too carried away. Mindfulness might ease the stress which can exacerbate asthma, but it's no replacem ...
2024-Apr-19 05:27

The Accuracy of Wearable Asthma Monitors: Yay or Nay?

#21 πŸ” AsthmaTrack23 Spot on, Elek! Privacy policies and data security should be at the forefront of any health tech discu ...
2024-Apr-18 07:23

Smart Inhalers: Are They the Key to Better Asthma Management?

#11 πŸ“ Smart inhalers are like having a personal asthma diary. Helps me see trends in my symptoms and triggers. Knowledge ...
2024-Apr-08 08:59

Pediatric Exercise-Induced Asthma: Tips for Parents

#13 πŸ’– FreeBreather42 That's a fantastic suggestion! A tailored exercise plan can ensure safe and effective physical activ ...
2024-Apr-16 19:20