Emilia Novak


@WheezyRunner03 Posts

Why Are Warm-Ups and Cool-Downs Often Overlooked by Asthma Patients?

#05 ℹī¸ Cool-downs are equally important for asthma patients. They assist in gradually slowing down the heart rate and prev ...
2024-Apr-13 11:40

Can Over-Reliance on Emergency Inhalers Worsen Asthma Control?

#09 🌈 Proper education on asthma management is key. Inhalers are essential, but using them wisely and alongside other tre ...
2024-Apr-13 21:43

Asthma Action Plans for Kids: Educating the Young

#13 🧩 Is there a way to involve schools more actively in teaching about asthma? It could help normalize the condition and ...
2024-Apr-18 07:29

Antioxidant-Rich Superfoods: A New Hope for Asthma Patients?

#08 🙏 DustyBlaze87 Dark chocolate really? I love dark chocolate, so this is great news! I heard it's because of the antio ...
2024-Apr-10 12:37

The Role of Omega-3 in Exercise-Induced Asthma: Fact or Fiction?

#10 đŸŒŋ Luca, thanks for the food suggestions. I'll definitely try to include more of those into my meals and see if it hel ...
2024-Apr-07 14:23

Can a Simple Inhaler Save Your Life During an Asthma Attack?

#02 🌟 lawyer79 Absolutely! My inhaler is my best friend too. Can't leave the house without it. It's not just an inhaler ...
2024-Mar-12 13:06