Green Tea: Health Benefits and Uses

Green tea is a type of tea made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. It is known for its high antioxidant content and various health benefits.
Where to get
Green tea is available in most grocery stores, health food stores, and online.
Applicable for
Energy booster
Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Green Tea FAQ

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What is green tea?

Green tea is a type of tea that is made from Camellia sinensis leaves and buds that have not undergone the same withering and oxidation process which is used to make oolong teas and black teas. Green tea originated in China, and since then its production and manufacture has spread to other countries in East Asia.

Where does green tea come from?

Green tea originated in China, and since then its production and manufacture has spread to other countries in East Asia. Several varieties of green tea exist, which differ substantially based on the variety of C. sinensis used, growing conditions, horticultural methods, production processing, and time of harvest.

What are the health benefits of green tea?

People have hailed the health benefits of green tea for centuries. Studies suggest that consuming green tea may positively affect skin health, help with weight loss, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, among other benefits. Green tea comes from unoxidized leaves of the Camellia sinensis bush.

Green Tea References

If you want to know more about Green Tea, consider exploring links below:

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