Gertrud Müller


@AsthmaNinja45 Posts

Emotional Triggers of Asthma: How to Identify and Manage Them

#08 😲 Strangely, laughing too hard can set off my asthma. Had to learn to laugh in moderation, which sounds bonkers but i ...
2024-Apr-11 09:59

How LABAs Offer Relief Beyond Quick Fixes?

#02 😌 Gotta admit, LABAs are a game changer. Before, it felt like my lungs were in a constant state of panic. Now? Smooth ...
2024-Mar-12 20:24

Leukotriene Modifiers: How Do They Work?

#10 🤨 Reading all your comments gives me hope. Just got prescribed these, and I'm curious to see if they'll make a differ ...
2024-Apr-09 04:01

Monoclonal Antibodies and Asthma: Debunking Myths

#07 😬 I'm with PharmaSkeptic22 here. How many of you have considered the long-term effects? We don't know enough, and I'm ...
2024-Apr-09 18:18

Dry Powder Inhalers: Overcoming Common User Mistakes

#03 😤 Anyone else find it annoying when your DPI gets blocked? That’s the moment you realize you’ve been doing it all ...
2024-Apr-03 05:18
#10 🤷 BreatheEasy99, Fair point! Though sometimes you follow it to the T and still end up in a pickle
2024-Apr-12 23:25
#16 👀 Just a reminder to check the counter on your DPI. Running out unexpectedly is a nightmare, especially when out and ...
2024-Apr-21 08:14

The Connection Between Allergies and Asthma in Kids During Season Changes

#18 🙌 To ItchyNose101, did that last year. Ditched the carpets for hardwood, and let me tell you, it was a GAME CHANGER ...
2024-Apr-21 19:35

Salt Therapy for Asthma: Innovative or Ineffective?

#07 🌟 AirPurifier56 I've read a few studies that suggest it's effective in relieving symptoms for some. It's all about ho ...
2024-Mar-30 20:04

How Do Smart Inhalers Work to Improve Asthma Control?

#02 🤔 I heard about them! Do they really link up to your phone and give you all the stats? Sounds proper futuristic
2024-Mar-12 20:52
#08 😕 TechieBoy92, how secure are these gizmos? Last thing I want is my health data getting nicked. Privacy's big on my l ...
2024-Mar-25 12:53
#20 🌟 Ultimately, whatever helps us breathe easier and live better, right? Smart inhalers might not be for everyone, but ...
2024-Apr-19 20:37

Smart Inhalers and Allergies: A Comprehensive Guide

#17 🩺 Don't forget about the importance of regular check-ups with your doc, even if your smart inhaler says you're all go ...
2024-Apr-18 03:07

Adopting Smart Inhalers: Success Stories and Lessons Learned

#05 😆 Gotta hand it to these smart inhalers for making asthma management less of a bore. I’m actually paying attention ...
2024-Apr-09 15:45

The Impact of Obesity on Asthma in Children

#09 🌟 Luca, you're spot on. Creating a supportive community focused on healthy living can have a ripple effect on prevent ...
2024-Apr-17 04:04

Traveling with Asthma: How to Handle Emergencies on the Go?

#11 ⛰️ It's amazing how much we can accomplish despite having asthma. Makes us stronger and more resilient travelers!
2024-Apr-21 00:59