Mohammed Al-Farsi


@PuffMaster99 Posts

What Exactly Is an Asthma Action Plan?

#22 💙 Love all the tips! Remember, mates, your asthma action plan is your shield. It’s there to protect you, but you’ ...
2024-Apr-21 21:46

Overcoming Language Barriers in Asthma Action Plans

#20 🧐 AsthmaNerd33 Diagrams would be a lifesaver. Maybe even add some interactive elements to it, like a simple app or on ...
2024-Apr-20 13:22

The Connection Between Stress and Exercise-Induced Asthma

#05 🤔 I think it’s about finding the right kind of exercise too. Some activities might trigger asthma less than others ...
2024-Apr-10 16:13

How Does Pregnancy Affect Asthma Symptoms?

#03 🤔 I heard it’s all about them hormones going wild. Makes sense that it could mess with your asthma, right?
2024-Mar-16 08:41

Are Essential Oils Safe and Effective for Asthma Relief?

#16 🧐 Anyone else thinks that these oils are just a placebo? I mean, feeling better is great, but the science behind it s ...
2024-Apr-10 20:44

Mold Spores and Asthma: A Dangerous Liaison?

#02 🤔 Can't help but wonder if those fancy air purifiers they advertise are worth the coin? Considering one for the missu ...
2024-Mar-16 21:24

Detox Diets: Can They Reduce Asthma Symptoms?

#11 🧐 Improvement in asthma symptoms comes from a combo of treatments. Air quality, diet, exercise… Detox diets alone a ...
2024-Apr-06 16:19

Flu Shots and Steroid Use in Asthmatics: Any Interactions to Worry About?

#21 😌 This convo is gold. Been stressing over the flu shot and steroids. Feeling way more chill about it now. Thanks, fam ...
2024-Apr-18 10:38

What's the Best Air Purifier Technology for Asthma?

#04 😕 Does anyone rate ionic air purifiers? I read they can zap pollutants but also heard they can emit ozone. Sounds a b ...
2024-Mar-16 19:55

Are High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) Purifiers a Must for Asthmatics?

#10 😌 Without my HEPA purifier, winter is a nightmare. Helps keep those nasty triggers at bay. Totally worth the investme ...
2024-Apr-09 14:57

Pet grooming and asthma management

#12 😄 Can't imagine my life without my pets. Managing asthma is tough, but with a bit of effort, it's totally doable
2024-Apr-04 14:04
#22 ✌ AstroCat00 Right? They're worth every bit of effort. From special vacuums to grooming outdoors, whatever it takes!
2024-Apr-19 14:01

Humidity Levels and Asthma: Finding the Perfect Balance

#05 😤 High humidity’s a nightmare for my asthma, turns my flat into a no-breathing zone. Dry air all the way!
2024-Mar-31 02:35
#16 ❓ RugbyLad31, Mate, thinking of getting a dehumidifier too. Any specific ones you recommend? Been having a rough go w ...
2024-Apr-21 22:59

Occupational Hazards and Asthma: The Role of Industrial Hygiene

#01 😊 Honest chat, but didn't anyone clock that not all industrial gigs are proper naff for yer lungs? Some jobs do bits ...
2024-Apr-04 13:12
#06 🤔 Dusty45, Fair point, mate. Some spots are still stuck in the dark ages. It's a bit of a postcode lottery on who get ...
2024-Apr-09 03:44
#14 👏 Linx90, Totally with you. It's about creating a lifestyle that minimizes those asthma triggers. Easy peasy if every ...
2024-Apr-16 13:08

How Do Reminder Apps Improve Medication Adherence in Asthma Patients?

#05 🧐 Apps are good and all, but they can't beat having a solid support system. It's the people around you that really ma ...
2024-Mar-20 12:01
#18 🤲 Reading through, it's clear that personal choice plays a big role. What works for one might not suit another. It's ...
2024-Apr-14 12:09

Cost vs. Benefit: Are Premium Inhalers Worth the Investment?

#01 😄 Honestly, those premium inhalers have been life-changing for me. The extra dosh was worth every penny - breathin li ...
2024-Apr-06 14:33

Understanding LABA Mechanisms for Asthma Control

#01 😎 Look, I ain't no doc but from what I've gathered, LABA helps keep those asthma symptoms in check by keeping those a ...
2024-Mar-25 05:19

Is Stress Affecting Your Asthma Medication Dose?

#10 🤸‍♂️ CoughALot33 Amelia, you're right! Been doing yoga for a month now, and it's changed the game for me. My inhaler's p ...
2024-Mar-31 19:34

Asthma and Exercise-Induced Symptoms: Balancing Act

#03 😊 Breezy23, have you tried using a pre-exercise inhaler? My GP recommended it and it’s made a huge difference. Defi ...
2024-Apr-08 04:47

Are Bronchodilators a Quick Fix or Permanent Relief for Asthma?

#05 🧐 Bronchodilators are a stopgap. We need more focus on long-term treatments and maybe even look into more holistic ap ...
2024-Mar-17 02:26
#13 🤝 PuffMaster88 True that, Erik. Nothing against the quick relief. It’s a blessing in those tight moments. Just sayi ...
2024-Apr-02 22:48

Short-acting vs. Long-acting Bronchodilators: Pros and Cons?

#02 💪 I've got to say, I'm all for long-acting bronchodilators. Keeps my asthma in check without constantly reaching for ...
2024-Mar-21 10:00

Bronchodilators and Exercise-Induced Asthma: A Perfect Match?

#07 😬 Anybody else worried about the weather affecting their exercise-induced asthma more than the actual exercise part ...
2024-Apr-07 08:55

Maximizing Your Inhaler: Are You on the Right Track?

#18 🤗 To all the newbies, hang in there! Was in your shoes not too long ago. It gets better once you find your fit. Welco ...
2024-Apr-17 01:29

How Effective Are School Asthma Emergency Protocols?

#03 🤨 Yeah, but how many schools actually practice what they preach? It's all good having a plan on paper, but when it hi ...
2024-Mar-16 07:27

The Role of School Nurses in Managing Asthma

#06 🙏 As someone who had asthma attacks in school, I can tell you, school nurses are unsung heroes. Their quick response ...
2024-Mar-24 10:49

Does Pet Dander Increase Asthma Risk in Children?

#06 😲 LunaCat23 Interesting! My experience has been the opposite. My niece's asthma got worse after getting a puppy. Show ...
2024-Mar-18 08:18

Can Indoor Plants Really Purify Air for Asthmatic Children?

#02 🤔 I'm all for greenery indoor, but let’s not get carried away. They help a bit, but they’re no miracle cure for a ...
2024-Mar-14 14:34

Creating an Asthma Action Plan for School: Tips and Advice?

#03 🤔 Can't argue with that, SneakySneez22. Awareness is key! But what's the deal with everyone forgetting peak flow mete ...
2024-Apr-01 05:06

How to Advocate for Better Asthma Care Coverage for Children?

#02 😠 Spot on, @BreatheWell101. It’s a right faff getting the care needed without breaking the bank. What’s up with t ...
2024-Mar-21 03:16

How to Plan a Safe Holiday for Kids with Seasonal Asthma?

#02 🙂 Spot on, Adelaide! We've taken to the coast, better air quality there. Plus, the munchkins love the beach. Just got ...
2024-Mar-14 16:26

Is Dairy a Friend or Foe for Asthma Patients?

#06 👍 BreezyBoy78 Mate, same boat! It's like night and day. Dairy was defo a foe in my asthma book. Cheers for sharin
2024-Mar-21 20:11

Is Quercetin the Key to Controlling Asthma Naturally?

#04 🧐 Hey, HerbalHustle45, did you combine quercetin with any other supplements or just solo? Wondering the best combo fo ...
2024-Apr-03 12:19
#12 🌟 HerbalHustle45, thanks for the tip! I'm looking into that combo. Anything to reduce my reliance on the inhaler and ...
2024-Apr-17 05:24

Integrating IoT Devices for Asthma Monitoring

#01 😄 Integrating IoT devices for asthma monitoring could be a game-changer, innit? Imagine getting real-time updates on ...
2024-Mar-19 00:29

Personal Health Records (PHR) for Asthma: Boon or Bane?

#04 😟 Not all that glitters is gold, though. Privacy concerns with these online records are a real thing. Don't fancy the ...
2024-Mar-31 02:14
#09 😬 TechSavvy22 Yeah, the tech is great and all, but how do you deal with the privacy issues? Not keen on sharing me li ...
2024-Apr-06 09:54
#16 🤝 TechSavvy22 Fair do's. Might need to dig a bit deeper into the security aspect before I jump on board. Cheers for t ...
2024-Apr-15 06:11

Integrating AI with Wearable Tech for Asthma Management: A Game-Changer?

#07 😒 It sounds cool, but technology can go wrong. What if it malfunctions and gives wrong advice? Could be dangerous
2024-Mar-31 06:04

Recognizing Nighttime Asthma Attack Signs

#02 😔 ladyluck88, tell me about it! Asthma always picks the worst times to come knocking, especially in the dead of night
2024-Mar-24 10:19