Karel Novák


@PuffinMaster88 Posts

Breaking Down Steroid Resistance in Asthma: Myth or Reality?

#02 😤 Totally get you, AstroGuru23. It's like, some people act like steroid resistance is made-up. But when you live it ...
2024-Mar-30 19:12

How Do Leukotriene Modifiers Fit Into Your Asthma Action Plan?

#09 😌 Speak for yourself, AirwayAvenger88. I managed to reduce my dependence on meds by changing my diet and exercise. It ...
2024-Mar-31 12:20
#21 🌟 Honestly, this convo has been eye-opening. It's great to see so many perspectives. Stay strong, everyone!
2024-Apr-22 06:44

Can Natural Scents Trigger Asthma?

#09 🧐 I've always been sceptical about the whole natural remedy jazz. Nothing beats proper medication when that asthma at ...
2024-Mar-28 05:15

Breathing Techniques: Panacea or Placebo for Asthma Sufferers?

#02 🤨 I'm not convinced. Tried all that deep breathing malarkey and didn't notice a jot of difference. Maybe it's all in ...
2024-Mar-13 02:34

Mindfulness and Meditation: Alternative Paths for Asthma Relief?

#02 🤨 Aye, mindfulness is the real deal for stress, but linking it directly to asthma relief sounds a bit like a stretch ...
2024-Mar-30 22:52
#08 🤔 LungMaster55, fair point. I suppose a mixture of scepticism and curiosity drove my comment. Hearing about your expe ...
2024-Apr-09 13:47

Overcoming the Fear of Exercise Due to Exercise-Induced Asthma

#04 ❤️ StrongHeart94 You're right, we're stronger than we think. Let's keep pushing and supporting each other through the ...
2024-Apr-08 23:06

Emergency Response Plans: Are They Asthma Inclusive?

#10 🤝 breathboss11 Well said, Alexandros! Asthma warriors need to be considered from the get-go. It's about inclusivity a ...
2024-Apr-16 09:00