Frieda Baumgartner


@VeganVixen22 Posts

Food Allergies and Asthma: What’s the Connection?

#13 ❤️ All about the plant power, people! Since I ditched dairy and meat, my asthma's been less of a nightmare. There's so ...
2024-Apr-05 00:53

The Rise of Generic Inhalers: Are They Just as Good?

#02 🤨 Got to disagree with BreezyBoi23. Tried generics and had to go back to my usual. Felt like the generic one lasted 5 ...
2024-Mar-23 11:57

Breaking Down Steroid Resistance in Asthma: Myth or Reality?

#04 😡 SkyWatcher01, with all due respect, that's easy to say when you haven't hit a wall with every treatment out there ...
2024-Apr-02 15:00

How Does Asthma Affect a Child's Mental Health?

#02 😢 It's totally gutting watching my little lad struggle with asthma attacks. It's not just his lungs, you know? His co ...
2024-Mar-13 17:19

Are Pre-Existing Condition Clauses Affecting Your Child's Asthma Care?

#01 😤 Honestly, those pre-existing condition clauses have been a real headache. Can't get my kiddo the care she needs wit ...
2024-Mar-12 20:06
#09 💪 BreathEasyKid45, Count me in if there's a petition. Enough is enough!
2024-Mar-27 12:21