Pieter de Jong


@AllergyAlly89 Posts

Psychological Benefits of Having an Asthma Action Plan

#20 🔍 One thing's for sure, knowing your triggers and having a plan to tackle them gives you an upper hand. It's like bei ...
2024-Apr-20 07:42

What Are Your Go-To Strategies for Managing Exercise-Induced Asthma?

#05 🏋️‍♂️ Anybody else find indoor exercises better? Pollen can be a right nightmare for me outside, so sticking to the gym i ...
2024-Mar-19 04:43

Pets and Asthma: Can Air Purifiers Make Coexistence Better?

#08 😄 Seriously considering getting an air purifier now. My asthma's been madness lately and I refuse to give up my puppe ...
2024-Apr-10 05:50
#15 😊 sneezefest88 Most are pretty quiet, mate. My dog doesn't even notice it. Better to have a slight hum than constant ...
2024-Apr-15 21:57

The Connection Between Sugar Intake and Asthma

#08 it's a mix, innit? not just one thing. but cutting down on sugar has gotta help at least a bit, especially with processed stuff. SneakerHead88 Florian Müller
2024-Apr-04 09:04

Asthma and Seasonal Outdoor Activities: How to Stay Safe?

#03 🌱 Talking about outdoor activities, anyone tried gardening at dusk or dawn? Less pollen floating about then, isn’t ...
2024-Apr-04 08:39
#12 😁 PuffinPals55, eerie or not, anything that lets me dig in the dirt without wheezing is golden in my book. Cheers for ...
2024-Apr-12 18:45
#22 📲 BreezyDay67, been using ‘Pollen Checker’ app. Straightforward and gives me what I need to know. Hope it helps w ...
2024-Apr-22 05:33

Occupational Asthma: Legal Rights and Support Systems

#02 💪 Mate, if your workplace is the cause, they should be sorting you out. Been through the mill myself. Get on to HR, A ...
2024-Mar-18 13:26
#07 🤨 SkaterDude31 Fair play to your cousin, Thomas. Reckon it's worth getting a law bod involved early then? Don't fancy ...
2024-Mar-26 13:07
#14 💪 BikeRider33 Couldn't agree more, Alexios. Speaking up is the only way to make them listen. No one should risk their ...
2024-Apr-06 14:57

The Role of Inhaler Type in Asthma Attack Prevention

#04 😌 No lie, I switched my inhaler last spring, difference was night and day. Less wheezin', more breathin'. Cheers to t ...
2024-Apr-08 10:03
#11 🍀 LungBuddy99 Right you are! It's a bit of trial and error, but when you find that perfect puff, it’s like winning ...
2024-Apr-17 11:19

The Psychological Impact of Immunotherapy on Asthma Patients

#05 👍 AsthmaKid88, mate, totally get what you're saying. Was dead stressful at the start for me too. But, stick with it ...
2024-Apr-05 15:23
#16 🧘 Speaking of journeys, any of you lot tried combining yoga or mindfulness with your treatment? Heard it’s mint for ...
2024-Apr-20 02:58