Attila Kovács


@noodleArm31 Posts

The Role of Allergy Testing Before Starting Immunotherapy for Asthma

#04 👌 beekeeper22, bang on! It's like walking through a minefield blindfolded if you skip allergy testing. Urgent need? Y ...
2024-Apr-04 04:45

Are Smart Inhalers the Future of Asthma Care?

#10 ✌️ AirwayAdvocate99 and @AsthmaNinja54 got it right. It's not just about innovation; it's about accessibility. Let's p ...
2024-Mar-26 01:21

Can Hypnotherapy Help in Alleviating Asthma Symptoms?

#11 😅 LungPower58 True dat. Gotta keep an open mind. Though, I'm sticking to my inhaler for now, cheers!
2024-Apr-10 09:05