Henrik Müller
@FuzzyLogic99 Posts
Pet grooming and asthma management
🙂 Try wearing a mask and grooming your pets outdoors. Less fur flying around indoors equals fewer asthma triggers. Wo ...
2024-Mar-20 13:05
🙌 WaggyTails53 Spot on! Those vacuum cleaners are a lifesaver. Couldn’t imagine dealing with pet hair without one
2024-Apr-09 01:40
🧠 PetWhisperer56 Great point about the activated carbon. It really does help with pet odors, which can also trigger a ...
2024-Apr-21 02:32
The Role of LABAs in Severe Asthma Cases
👏 Quick shoutout to the unsung heroes - the inhaler designers. Making LABAs user-friendly and discreet revolutionizes ...
2024-Apr-20 23:34
Combining LABAs with Other Asthma Treatments: Pros and Cons
🧐 Is it just me or do LABAs seem less effective over time? Like, do our bodies get used to them, needing more to get ...
2024-Apr-10 14:38
Cheapest Asthma Prescriptions: Myth or Reality?
🤓 Asthma prescriptions for less aren't a myth. Online pharmacies are the secret. Just be careful and choose accredite ...
2024-Mar-18 03:04
Zinc Supplements: A Boost for Asthma Immunity?
😄 AsthmaWarrior23, totally with Mei on this one! Noticed a significant improvement in my asthma symptoms since starti ...
2024-Apr-07 00:11
Tracking Progress: The Value of Regular Lung Function Tests in Asthma Reviews
💪 I've had my fair share of ups and downs with asthma, but lung function tests have been a constant in my journey. Th ...
2024-Apr-19 13:34