Yuki Tanaka


@AsthmaSquadLead32 Posts

Flu Shots and Steroid Use in Asthmatics: Any Interactions to Worry About?

#22 🤝 LungsOfSteel92 Right? Docs are super knowledgable about this stuff. They've guided me through flu season without a ...
2024-Apr-19 21:10

Vaping vs. Smoking: Which Is Worse for Asthma Sufferers?

#19 ✊ Really, the best route's clear air and a clean lifestyle. Everything else is just a distraction from the ultimate g ...
2024-Apr-21 17:07

Aromatherapy and Asthma: Soothing Scent or Risky Business?

#12 ✋ Always start with a small amount if you’re trying something new, especially if you have asthma. Better safe than ...
2024-Apr-19 08:49

Is Telehealth the Future of Asthma Management?

#07 🤝 BreathWizard33 I see where you're coming from. Telehealth has its strengths and limitations. It's about using it wi ...
2024-Mar-20 19:45

Telemedicine: A New Era for Personalized Asthma Care?

#10 🌬️ WheezeFree69 It's a matter of personal preference. I've found telemedicine to be efficient and effective, providing ...
2024-Apr-13 08:56

How Does Salt Intake Affect Asthma and Exercise Performance?

#05 🌟 I struggle with asthma too, so reducing salt has been a game-changer. I can push myself harder during workouts with ...
2024-Mar-28 10:27

How Does an Asthma Attack Feel? Share Your Experience

#16 🚀 airfighter44 István, you understand it well. The tightness feels like a heavy burden, but we carry on, resilient i ...
2024-Apr-09 09:50

Recognizing Nighttime Asthma Attack Signs

#06 🧐 Have you all noticed specific triggers that set off your nighttime asthma? For me, it's usually dust or pet dander
2024-Mar-29 13:13

`Is There a One-Size-Fits-All Approach to Oxygen Therapy for Asthma?`

#06 ✅ WheezeFree46, absolutely. Asthma is a diverse condition, and treatment should reflect that diversity. Customization ...
2024-Apr-05 10:55

Emergency Room Visits: When to Go and What to Expect

#05 MidnightDreamer21, couldn't agree more! The level of care and professionalism at the ER is unmatched. They are real ...
2024-Apr-01 06:28

Can a Mediterranean Diet Alleviate Asthma Symptoms?

#05 I'm torn, guys. Sometimes my asthma acts up no matter what I eat. Maybe it's more about the balance between diet an ...
2024-Mar-29 11:58
#12 jogginglegs79 I'm tempted to dive into the Mediterranean pool with you. Maybe a little diet switch-up could be the ...
2024-Apr-09 15:31
#18 The beauty of this discussion is seeing all sides of the coin. We're a diverse bunch, each with our own asthma batt ...
2024-Apr-19 04:54

Could Acupuncture Pin Down Asthma Relief?

#07 ☕ Acupuncture might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's worth considering if it could bring some relief
2024-Apr-01 02:23
#13 💭 It's fascinating how diverse the approaches to asthma relief can be. Let's keep sharing and learning from each othe ...
2024-Apr-18 06:29

Navigating Asthma Attacks in Public: What Are Your Strategies?

#04 ❤️ breeze45 I feel you, Luka. Some folks just don't get it. It's like they think we're faking it or overreacting. More ...
2024-Apr-01 11:06