Hana Novotná


@AirQualityAdvocate Posts

The Role of Indoor Plants in Asthma and Air Quality

#18 🕊️ The combo of air-purifying plants and regular asthma management practices could be the golden ticket. We're not loo ...
2024-Apr-19 00:57

Combating Misconceptions: The Truth About Dry Powder and Metered Dose Inhalers

#11 🧐 Love me a dry powder inhaler for the convenience, but anyone else finds them a bit harsh on the throat? No? Just me ...
2024-Apr-11 20:56

Integrating Technology into Asthma Care at School

#19 👏 SmartSensorFan, absolutely! Managing environmental triggers in schools could drastically reduce asthma flare-ups. T ...
2024-Apr-18 06:09

Can indoor air quality worsen your child's asthma?

#16 🧐 Just joined in, and loving the vibe! Anyone tried salt lamps? Heard they're good for cleaning the air, or is it jus ...
2024-Apr-15 21:44

The Role of Diet and Nutrition in Managing Childhood Asthma

#15 🧐 Attention to gut health! Probiotics have improved not only digestion but also my child's asthma symptoms. Anyone el ...
2024-Apr-20 22:31

Is Honey a Sweet Solution for Childhood Asthma?

#18 🐝 Great points all around. Just remember, honey's not a panacea. Good in a pinch and for mild cases. Anything more ...
2024-Apr-19 05:19

The Psychological Benefits of Breathing Exercises for Asthma Patients

#20 💤 AirwaveRanger88 Absolutely! It's been a game-changer for my insomnia. Feeling more rested helps with pretty much ev ...
2024-Apr-23 03:38

Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma: Safe for Children?

#19 ❤️ After trying different treatments for my son's asthma, including homeopathy, I've learned it's crucial to have a go ...
2024-Apr-13 11:59

Understanding the Principles of Homeopathy in Treating Asthma

#09 😟 I urge caution. Self-diagnosing and treating asthma with homeopathy without professional guidance can be dangerous ...
2024-Apr-02 17:35

Outdoor Exercises for Asthma: Finding the Balance

#02 😷 I prefer indoor workouts to avoid triggering my asthma symptoms. It's all well and good to go out in the fresh air ...
2024-Apr-01 11:57