Aisha Ali


@fearlessbreather44 Posts

Overcoming Exercise Fear: A Guide for Asthma Sufferers

#16 ๐Ÿฆ… Breatheasy11, taking charge of our fears transforms us into fearless breathers, ready to face any challenge with co ...
2024-Apr-18 12:35

Can Spacer Devices Make Your Emergency Inhalers More Effective?

#15 ๐Ÿคจ I've tried using a spacer, but I found it cumbersome and didn't see much benefit. Maybe it's just not for everyone?
2024-Apr-16 14:38

Fruits, Vegetables, and Asthma: A Winning Combination?

#05 ๐Ÿฅ— I had no idea fruits and veggies could affect asthma! I'll definitely be more mindful of what I eat from now on. Th ...
2024-Apr-06 02:47

Are there advocacy groups for asthma patients? How can they help?

#14 ๐ŸŒˆ Zara, couldn't agree more! These groups are our safe havens in the storm of asthma challenges. They provide a sense ...
2024-Apr-08 18:20