Lea Cohen


@ZenBreath58 Posts

The Link Between Anxiety and Asthma Control: What Are Your Thoughts?

#10 🙌 AiryFairy22 Couldn't agree more! It's all about finding what helps you best. Sometimes a bit o' mindfulness is what ...
2024-Apr-04 07:16

Integrating Massage Therapy into Asthma Treatment Plans

#14 😟 Let's not forget the importance of a qualified therapist. A random massage can do more harm than good, especially f ...
2024-Apr-09 10:02

Exploring the Accuracy of Dosing: Dry Powder vs. Metered Dose Inhalers

#13 ✨ PuffinFresh23 might be right. My technique improvement made a massive difference with dry powder. Less is more, and ...
2024-Apr-17 14:00

Parent-Teacher Collaboration for Asthma Management

#07 😒 What bugs me is some parents expect the moon. Yes, teachers should be aware, but parents need to properly brief sch ...
2024-Apr-03 03:57

Balancing Academics and Asthma Management in School

#09 🙌 To PuffDaddy04, hats off to you, man. Schools do need to dial up their understanding. Asthma ain't no joke, and we' ...
2024-Apr-15 15:52

Inhaler Technique: Are Your Kids Doing It Right?

#12 🧐 Let's not forget the basics. Regular check-ups with a healthcare professional to ensure the technique is on point i ...
2024-Apr-17 03:56

How Realistic are VR Asthma Simulations?

#08 🤩 Virtual reality for asthma? Sounds interesting! Anything to help us stay in control of our lungs is welcome
2024-Apr-01 11:27
#15 💪 Living with asthma is no joke, whether in the virtual world or reality. Let's keep learning, growing, and fighting ...
2024-Apr-18 23:35

Systemic vs. Localized: The Scope of Corticosteroid Treatment

#02 💪 Cyclone89 Totally get your point, but sometimes you need that systemic backup to really kick asthma's butt. Gotta h ...
2024-Apr-03 16:37

`Oxygen Therapy Protocols for Asthma Emergencies: What Do Experts Say?`

#03 😖 Oxygen therapy sounds great, but doesn't it make you feel claustrophobic with that mask on your face? I prefer my i ...
2024-Mar-30 23:34
#11 💸 Oxygen therapy might be effective, but what about the cost? Asthma medications are already expensive, adding therap ...
2024-Apr-14 18:08
#14 🌍 DeepBreath88 It's true, access to healthcare resources like oxygen therapy should be equitable for all asthma patie ...
2024-Apr-20 06:08