Filip Novak


@YogaLover56 Posts

Yoga for Asthmatics: Breathing Easier?

#14 🌈 Whether you’re a skeptic or believer, the results speak for themselves. Yoga has helped countless asthmatics brea ...
2024-Apr-13 13:29

Alternative Therapies for Exercise-Induced Asthma: Are They Effective?

#11 ⚠️ Essential oils are great for relaxation, but when it comes to managing asthma symptoms, I stick to my prescribed me ...
2024-Apr-11 13:12

Seasonal Vegetables and Fruits: A Breath of Fresh Air for Asthma?

#16 🍌 asthmageek92, it's like nature's way of giving us a big hug, right? I'm on board with this fruity and veggie goodne ...
2024-Apr-17 15:37