Jakub Marek


@ThinkBreathe55 Posts

Alternative Therapies for Exercise-Induced Asthma: Are They Effective?

#20 🌞 OmBreath44 Mindfulness is key to managing stress-induced asthma symptoms. Our mental state impacts our physical wel ...
2024-Apr-19 15:30

Does Your Child Need an Asthma Action Plan?

#18 😎 My child's Asthma Action Plan gives me a sense of control amidst the unpredictability of asthma. It's a tool that e ...
2024-Apr-20 23:04

Navigating Work and Career with Asthma

#11 😌 Ventolin has been a lifesaver for me at work. Quick relief when I need it most!
2024-Apr-19 09:18