Oliver Cohen


@TechBro22 Posts

Probiotics and Asthma: Is There a Connection?

#06 🙄 Honestly, think it's a load of hot air. Tried it, got nada. Better to stick to what the doc prescribes, if you ask ...
2024-Apr-02 08:17

The Role of LABAs in Severe Asthma Cases

#11 🍻 Ain’t technology grand? Continuous development in treatments like LABAs mean we’re seeing the back of worse ast ...
2024-Apr-05 13:13

Breath Training Apps: Gimmick or Game-Changer?

#19 🌠 Asthma is a journey, and we each navigate it in our own way. Apps may not be a panacea, but they can be a valuable ...
2024-Apr-22 08:29

The Role of Air Purifiers in Managing Severe Asthma: Thoughts?

#18 🌬️ clearairqueen27 Agreed! It's like a breath of fresh air every day. Makes managing asthma so much easier. #FreshAirL ...
2024-Apr-18 22:00

Emotional Support Animals: Do They Help in Asthma Care?

#02 🐶 Stonewall82 I agree! My emotional support dog has helped me manage my asthma by keeping me calm during flare-ups. I ...
2024-Mar-29 02:53

The Link Between Asthma and Exercise-induced Bronchoconstriction (EIB)

#08 😤 scubadiver77, oh man, you hit the nail on the head! Working out with EIB is like trying to dance with two left feet ...
2024-Mar-30 07:59