Tobias Müller


@PlanAhead66 Posts

Psychological Benefits of Having an Asthma Action Plan

#12 🏃‍♂️💨 I've noticed since having an action plan, my fitness has improved. I can manage my asthma during exercise now which ...
2024-Apr-12 19:35

Is Passive Vaping a Concern for Asthma Patients?

#07 👍 VapeGuru22, the issue is, even with less harmful substances, it's about the particles in the air. Asthmatics have s ...
2024-Apr-06 01:44

What Role Does Education Play in Medication Adherence for Asthma?

#03 😒 Honestly, some folks still reckon asthma's not a biggie. Education could really change these outdated views, couldn ...
2024-Mar-18 21:42

`Monitoring Asthma in Children: Tools and Techniques`

#04 😤 Had a right mare trying to get my girl to use the spirometer. Any tips from the crew here on making it less of a ba ...
2024-Apr-06 23:49

How to Encourage a Child with Exercise-Induced Asthma to Stay Active?

#21 🌈 Parkour lite! Use playground equipment for supervised, accessible challenges. It’s all about using their environm ...
2024-Apr-21 04:10

What are the signs your child's asthma medication isn't working?

#14 😌 AirflowMax55 It's heartbreaking, isn't it? My advice: persistence with the specialists. Sometimes it takes a bit to ...
2024-Apr-10 01:47

What are the best asthma management apps for kids?

#11 😕 Anyone else find that apps can sometimes overwhelm kids? It's great until it becomes another chore. How do you keep ...
2024-Apr-10 18:42

The Psychological Benefits of Breathing Exercises for Asthma Patients

#16 💪 LungLeader101 True that! It's all about balance. Combination of cardio, strength training, and breathing exercises ...
2024-Apr-19 05:02

The Role of Selenium in Asthma Control: A Hidden Gem?

#08 🤔 PureAirLover88, Rebeka, I’m curious, did you change anything else in your routine or was it solely selenium that ...
2024-Apr-05 20:24