Yumi Nakamura
@NoWheezePlease52 Posts
The Impact of Isolation on Asthma Patients During Lockdown
😄 Totally get what ZenBreath77 and O2Vibes66 are saying. Adding some Japanese kiko exercises to my routine made a hug ...
2024-Apr-16 03:51
Is Swimming in Chlorinated Pools Safe for Asthma?
🙏 LungsOfSteel45 I hear you, but not all of us have access to saltwater pools. Chlorine pools are more common, so it' ...
2024-Apr-02 23:03
Alternative Therapies for Exercise-Induced Asthma: Are They Effective?
⏱️ I'm all for natural remedies, but when it comes to exercise-induced asthma, I rely on my inhaler for quick relief ...
2024-Apr-07 23:05