Maria Garcia


@ClearLungs101 Posts

Asthma Friendly Smoking Alternatives: Fact or Fiction?

#21 🚭 At the end of the day, taking care of our lungs means quitting smoking in all its forms. There’s no safe shortcut ...
2024-Apr-22 13:14

How long after quitting smoking does asthma improve?

#14 🌟 Year one, smoke-free. Are there hard days? Sure. But my peak flow meter readings have never been better. Hang in th ...
2024-Apr-15 20:06

Combining Biologics with Other Asthma Treatments: Pros and Cons

#11 🤞 AsthmaticArtie44, That's the real rub, mate. The cost is bonkers, but some insurance plans are starting to cover mo ...
2024-Apr-16 04:56

Long-term Steroid Use: Savior or Sentence for Asthma Patients?

#13 ✅ To BreatheRight22, you've hit the nail on the head. It's a vicious cycle. Cleaner air means healthier lungs and les ...
2024-Apr-15 13:23

How Crowdsourced Air Quality Data Can Benefit Asthma Sufferers

#15 Olga, you're right. It's about coming together as a community to tackle the challenges we face with asthma. Unity i ...
2024-Apr-18 18:37