Smoking Alternatives Debate and Skepticism

This entry discusses skepticism and debate surrounding smoking alternatives without endorsing specific products, highlighting the importance of critical evaluation.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

No Products Listed Due To The Discussion Nature Focusing On The General Skepticism And Debate Over Smoking Alternatives Rather Than Specific Product Endorsements. FAQ

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Do skeptics deny knowledge?

Analyze the Moorean and contextualist responses to skepticism, recognizing how Moorean responses are defiant while contextualist responses are concessive. Skeptics, as we will use the term, deny knowledge. A skeptic need not deny that free will is real or that God exists but will deny that anyone knows whether either of these is the case.

Does scientific knowledge suppress or supplant earlier intuitions?

Discourse Process. 51, 374–397 (2014). Shtulman, A. & Valcarcel, J. Scientific knowledge suppresses but does not supplant earlier intuitions. Cognition 124, 209–215 (2012). Kendeou, P., Butterfuss, R., Kim, J. & Boekel, M. V. Knowledge revision through the lenses of the three-pronged approach.

Should skepticism be replaced by “adequately justified assent”?

Nevertheless, that difference is insignificant because the debate about the merits of skepticism takes place within the evidentialist account of knowledge. Knowledge is taken to entail adequately justified assent and, hence, “knowledge” could be replaced by “adequately justified assent” in the Cartesian style argument.

Why do people skeptic about epistemic justification?

Chapter 2 considers two reasons for skepticism about epistemic justification (the view that we lack justification in some significant domain)—the first based on René Descartes’s “evil demon hypothesis”; the second based on the “regress problem” attributed to the Pyrrhonian skeptics.

No Products Listed Due To The Discussion Nature Focusing On The General Skepticism And Debate Over Smoking Alternatives Rather Than Specific Product Endorsements. References

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