Lars Nilsson


@AirFirst24 Posts

The Rising Trend of Vaping Among Asthma Patients: Concerns and Realities

#14 ✊ At the end of the day, clean air is the best medicine for asthma. Everything else is just a compromise. Let's not f ...
2024-Apr-22 13:05

Corticosteroids Inhalers: A Bridge Over Troubled Breathing?

#06 asthmaguru True that, Astrid! Quality of life matters most. Inhalers might not be perfect, but they sure beat strug ...
2024-Apr-04 10:39

The Pros and Cons of Using a Nebulizer During Asthma Emergencies

#03 😐 I prefer my trusty inhaler over a nebulizer. It's compact, portable, and gets the job done. Maybe not as quick, but ...
2024-Apr-01 13:18