Erik Johansson


@WheezyBeast23 Posts

Exercise for Children with Asthma: Yes or No?

#09 🌈 What about the mental health benefits, though? Exercise isn't just about the physical. Helps a ton with stress and ...
2024-Apr-02 12:39

The Association Between Depression and Asthma Control

#02 πŸ‘ Spot on, Jazzy21. My cousin's asthma flares up whenever he's having a rough patch. There's definitely a link betwee ...
2024-Mar-24 15:09

Creating an Asthma-Friendly Classroom Environment

#11 πŸš‘ SchoolNurse89 Absolutely! Having an emergency kit in every classroom, clearly marked and easily accessible, could b ...
2024-Apr-04 03:21

The Vitamin D Debate: Can It Really Help Manage Childhood Asthma?

#08 πŸ˜„ Can confirm! Been getting more sunshine and vitamin D lately, and my asthma flare-ups have decreased. Coincidence ...
2024-Apr-08 00:39

How to Navigate Health Insurance for Your Asthmatic Child?

#10 ❓ Did anyone manage to get exemptions or discounts on meds? I read something about applying directly to pharmaceutica ...
2024-Mar-30 16:36

Is Supplemental Health Insurance Worth It for Asthma in Children?

#06 🀨 It’s important to consider the fine print. Some supplemental insurances offer incredible benefits but come with h ...
2024-Apr-11 00:09

Can Herbal Teas Provide Asthma Relief?

#02 πŸ€” I swear by chamomile tea, folks. It's got that gentle vibe that calms my night-time wheezing. Dunno if it's just me ...
2024-Mar-20 21:39
#07 ☺️ GreenThumb55 Malgorzata, you might be onto something! Staying hydrated surely helps but I do believe different herb ...
2024-Mar-30 09:04

Managing Severe Asthma: Humidifier or Dehumidifier?

#07 🀝 BlingBling23, each to their own, I reckon. Some folks swear by humidifiers for helpin' with their asthma symptoms ...
2024-Mar-29 21:03

Is There a Connection Between Red Wine and Asthma Relief?

#14 I've never associated red wine with asthma relief before, but the idea intrigues me. Time to put it to the test and ...
2024-Apr-13 06:11