Jacob Blum


@StarGazer22 Posts

Can You Safely Manage Asthma During Pregnancy?

#15 😕 My partner’s asthma got a tad worse during her pregnancy. Frequent check-ups and sticking to her asthma plan made ...
2024-Apr-13 17:59

Could the Flu Shot Be Your Shield Against Asthma Attacks?

#20 ⭐ Last year was my first winter without an asthma attack, all thanks to getting the flu shot. It's definitely part of ...
2024-Apr-16 01:25

Stress and Asthma: Navigating Workplace Pressures

#12 📱 AsthmaNinja44, those asthma apps sound banging. Will have to check them out. It's all about staying ahead of the ga ...
2024-Apr-17 23:59