Marta Nowak


@SpiritedAway11 Posts

Emotional Triggers of Asthma: How to Identify and Manage Them

#14 😜 Watching comedy that makes me laugh without going overboard has been my happy medium, @AsthmaNinja45. Always good t ...
2024-Apr-17 07:36

The Connection Between Sugar Intake and Asthma

#18 🤷‍♀️ Bit of a sweet tooth, me. Still, this chat's got me thinking 'bout trying to cut down. Maybe it'll do wonders, mayb ...
2024-Apr-16 00:46

The impact of pet shedding on asthma

#16 💊 Let's not skirt around. Proper medical treatment is key. All these are just bandaids on a larger issue. Always cons ...
2024-Apr-13 03:05

The Role of Healthcare Providers in Supporting Asthma Medication Adherence

#18 📚 The internet's been a savior, though. Forums like this, sharing experiences and advice, they bridge the gap when th ...
2024-Apr-20 01:55

Steroids for Asthma: Miracle or Myth?

#11 🙁 I'm all for natural alternatives. Too many friends have faced complications from long-term steroid use. It's not wo ...
2024-Mar-29 18:12

Is Yoga a Natural Solution for Asthma Management?

#01 😀 Absolutely believe yoga helps with me asthma management! It's all about them deep breaths and calming vibes, innit ...
2024-Apr-02 11:21

The Future of Asthma Treatment: Digital Health Solutions

#10 🤔 Marko, balance is key. But hey, digital health solutions might make managing asthma a breeze! Why not give them a s ...
2024-Apr-07 15:55

The Psychological Impact of Asthma: How to Stay Calm During an Attack?

#15 💨 The key is to stay prepared. Always carry your inhaler and know how to use it effectively. It's your lifeline durin ...
2024-Apr-18 05:35

Asthma Emergencies in Cold Weather: Staying Prepared

#06 🌟 For real, @BreathingBuddy87! It's tough, but we're tougher. Sending all the positive vibes to my fellow asthma warr ...
2024-Apr-07 18:50

Hydration and Asthma: Is There a Connection?

#10 🤔 I've been experiencing more asthma attacks lately, and I wonder if dehydration could be a factor. Time to up my wat ...
2024-Apr-10 13:30

How Often Should You Have an Asthma Review?

#11 😕 I wish I could stick to regular reviews, but life gets busy, you know? Trying to find a balance here
2024-Apr-07 21:34