Haruto Tanaka


@PixelPusher88 Posts

How Do Children with Asthma Cope Psychologically?

#15 🚀 LilGuru88, love the sticker idea! Gonna try that with my daughter’s nebulizer. Let’s make it look like a spaces ...
2024-Apr-09 13:19

Cycling: A Breath of Fresh Air for Asthma Management?

#16 🌼 WheelieGood22 Yeah, off-road tends to be better air quality-wise, but be mindful of pollen and other allergens in r ...
2024-Apr-22 06:44

The Psychological Impact of Asthma Medication Non-adherence

#07 🌍 Cultural influences play a big role in medication adherence. Some people might rely on alternative medicine or down ...
2024-Mar-27 19:18

The Future of Inhaler Technology: Boosting Medication Adherence?

#20 ✌️ Response to AirWarrior21: Exactly! Let's focus on the benefits while staying aware of the costs. It's all about bal ...
2024-Apr-22 08:01

Asthma and Exercise-Induced Symptoms: Balancing Act

#09 ❓ To everyone mentioning swimming, does the type of pool matter? I’ve heard saltwater pools are less harsh on the a ...
2024-Apr-12 22:22

Generic vs. Brand Name: A Cost Comparison for Asthma Meds

#10 🤔 You folks are overlooking the environmental impact. Brand names often have excessive packaging. We can manage asthm ...
2024-Mar-30 22:11
#17 😬 DustyRoads67 That sounds risky, mate. Best stick to what’s prescribed for you. Mixing or sharing meds could lead ...
2024-Apr-13 22:53
#21 🌟 Imagine a future where effective asthma meds are affordable and accessible for all. That’s the dream we should al ...
2024-Apr-22 00:48

Beyond the Physical: Emotional Well-being While on Asthma Medications

#22 👨‍🎨 TechieGeek03 Totally get that. Working on digital art projects gives me that same sense of focus and calm. Plus, cr ...
2024-Apr-20 23:35

What's the latest in asthma research for kids?

#14 😡 What about pollution control? Cities are chocking, and it's directly affecting our kids' asthma. We need tougher re ...
2024-Apr-09 09:26

Eucalyptus Oil: A Breath of Fresh Air for Asthma Patients?

#07 🤔 As an inventor, I dream of merging technology with natural remedies like eucalyptus oil. Imagine a hi-tech inhaler ...
2024-Apr-09 19:16
#15 🌟 EucalyptusFan88, Love that idea of mixing old wisdom with modern tech! Maybe there's a collaborative project in the ...
2024-Apr-22 08:30

How to Safely Introduce Essential Oils into Your Asthma Treatment Plan

#11 😅 Just a reminder that less is definitely more. Overuse of any essential oil, even the mild ones, can lead to discomf ...
2024-Apr-13 08:28

Herbal Remedies for Asthma: Ancient Wisdom or Risky Business?

#20 📖 Emphasizing the importance of understanding the herbs you're using. Proper knowledge and application are key to eff ...
2024-Apr-17 20:45

How Reliable Are Asthma Tracking Apps?

#11 ✨ VentolinVenturer Yes! It's fantastic. The app I use syncs with my inhaler and provides insights into my usage patte ...
2024-Mar-31 05:36
#22 🙌 LungHero88 Agreed, it’s all about enhancing, not replacing, our existing healthcare routines with these tools
2024-Apr-20 12:09

Privacy and Data Security in AI-Driven Asthma Management: Addressing Patient Concerns

#03 😌 TechyTrev32, sharing health data is dodgy, but it's all encrypted, mate. Proper secure, more than your average onli ...
2024-Apr-06 23:55

The Science Behind Salt and Asthma: What Do We Know?

#04 💡 doctorD123, It's vital to approach asthma management cautiously. The intersection of natural and conventional medic ...
2024-Mar-27 07:39