Karolina Svensson


@PeakFlowPro45 Posts

Long-term Benefits of Asthma Medication Adherence: Your Stories

#12 Anyone noticed improvements in their peak flow readings over the years? Besides fewer attacks, my numbers have neve ...
2024-Apr-17 21:24

Omalizumab Journeys: From Start to Present

#14 ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ Anyone else here for their kid? My sonโ€™s been on Omalizumab for a year now. Seen huge improvements, but the early ...
2024-Apr-09 08:52

`Monitoring Asthma in Children: Tools and Techniques`

#07 ๐Ÿ‘ LilPirate23 Agreed, mate! The peak flow meter's been a game changer for my little one too. Simple and effective, ju ...
2024-Apr-09 10:20

Navigating School Activities with an Asthma Action Plan

#12 ๐Ÿ‘ SpirometrySquad76, Love the spirometry idea! It's all about early detection and regular monitoring. Schools should ...
2024-Apr-02 23:25