Magnus Larsson
@NocturnalNinja54 Posts
Does Quality of Sleep Affect Asthma?
✅ Can confirm. Had a stint of dreadful sleep and it set my asthma back big time. Invest in good sleep hygiene people ...
2024-Apr-07 16:54
The Role of Family Support in Asthma Management
❄️ Cold weather can be a challenge for asthma sufferers. Our family strategy includes staying active indoors and ensur ...
2024-Apr-06 15:56
The Impact of Yoga on Asthma: Breathing Easier?
😤 I call baloney! Been doing yoga for years and my asthma's still kicking my butt. Guess it’s not a one-size-fits-a ...
2024-Apr-01 17:21
The Connection Between Sugar Intake and Asthma
✌ My old dear cut out sugar for her joints, and her asthma eased up too. Anecdotal, for sure, but there's something t ...
2024-Apr-07 21:18
How Do LABAs Fit into an Asthma Action Plan?
😊 LABAs have been invaluable in my asthma control. The difference in daily life and activity levels is like night and ...
2024-Apr-22 18:59
How to Encourage a Child with Exercise-Induced Asthma to Stay Active?
🙌 For real though, don't let them think they're different. Encourage team sports where everyone's in the same boat ...
2024-Apr-09 19:21
Eucalyptus Oil: A Breath of Fresh Air for Asthma Patients?
🙏 Perspective is key, my friends. No harm in trying eucalyptus if you’re clear of allergies and have your doc's gre ...
2024-Apr-19 05:38
Can Diet Influence Asthma Symptoms?
😊 Totally think that munchin' on certain grub can ease up the wheeze, mate. Been layin' off dairy and feelin’ a lot ...
2024-Mar-19 00:28
Smart Inhalers: Gimmick or Game-Changer for Asthmatics?
🤷 GaleForce10 I see your point, but isn't that the case with most medical advancements? If it benefits the patient an ...
2024-Apr-02 23:27