Martina Dvorakova
@CoolMom23 Posts
Outdoor Play Areas: Are They Safe for Asthmatic Kids?
😊 AirPuff35's bang on! As a mum, I'm all for lettin' them play outside. Just gotta keep an eye and make sure they're ...
2024-Apr-02 20:19
The Role of Parents in Gamified Asthma Management for Kids
Gamified asthma management can be especially beneficial for younger kids, helping them develop healthy habits early ...
2024-Apr-14 16:00
Psychological Benefits of Exercise for Asthma Patients
🕺 EasyBreathz94, I love dancing too! It's a great stress reliever and I always feel more invigorated after a dance se ...
2024-Apr-20 19:15
How Does Exercise Worsen Asthma Symptoms?
🌈 EasyBreather53, you said it beautifully. We may have our own battles, but together, we can conquer asthma one wheez ...
2024-Apr-14 12:47
Soy Alternatives: Better or Worse for Asthma?
Soy, milk, or voodoo magic, if it helps you breathe, why not? Each to their own journey with asthma, right? 🌀
2024-Apr-12 14:56