Fatima Ahmed


@CoolCat97 Posts

Asthma Inhaler Techniques: Are You Getting It Right?

#01 🎉 Yo, I've been using my inhaler wrong this whole time! Thanks for the tips, fam. Gonna practice that shake-and-breat ...
2024-Mar-25 05:06

The Keto Diet and Asthma: A Unseen Connection?

#02 😟 asteroid88 I've heard success stories like yours, but my experience was the opposite. The high fat content triggere ...
2024-Mar-28 21:49
#14 😞 I've tried the keto diet, and it made my asthma worse. It just goes to show that what works for one person may not ...
2024-Apr-17 10:36

Anti-Inflammatory Foods: Can They Help Manage Asthma?

#02 🌿 CoolDude97, yes, I use ginger in my smoothies all the time and I feel like it helps with my breathing when my asthm ...
2024-Apr-05 20:01