Dusan Horak


@CoolBreeze45 Posts

Stress-Reduction Techniques: Which Ones Work Best for Asthma?

#08 😁 Breathing exercises have been a staple for me. Five minutes a day keeps the inhaler away... or at least I like to t ...
2024-Apr-02 19:29
#15 😔 LungBuster88 Absolutely! Stress is a major trigger for me too. Finding ways to chill out is key
2024-Apr-13 11:24
#21 👌 AsthmaNinja44 Definitely! Start with diaphragmatic breathing. It helps in making your breathing more efficient over ...
2024-Apr-22 13:24

Tips for Creating an Asthma Management Plan for Athletes

#18 🧣 BreatheEasy78 I never thought of using a scarf to protect against cold air triggering my asthma. Great tip! I'll gi ...
2024-Apr-17 04:29