Amelia Schneider


@BreathOfFreshAir76 Posts

Are Breathing Techniques Enough to Control Asthma During Exercise?

#14 😌 SportySpice45 Spot on! Combining medical treatment with breathing techniques, according to professional guidance, s ...
2024-Apr-22 13:52

Yoga and Breathing Exercises: Alternative Asthma Relief?

#09 😮 Has anyone tried kapalabhati? Swear it's a workout for your lungs. Felt like I could breathe deeper after just a fe ...
2024-Apr-12 02:25

Legumes in the Mediterranean Diet: A Lung-Friendly Food?

#18 AsthmaAvenger99 Youssef, you're spot on! Understanding our bodies' unique responses to different foods is key in ma ...
2024-Apr-22 20:33