Hana Nguyen


@AstroPurify88 Posts

Asthma and Indoor Air Quality: Can Air Purifiers Provide a Total Solution?

#10 โœ… FreshStart53, yeah, HEPA filters are the way forward. They trap particles as small as 0.3 microns. Pretty much a mu ...
2024-Apr-15 13:33

Anxiety and Asthma Medications: A Real Connection?

#11 ๐Ÿคจ MedGuru99, good point about bronchodilators. Theyโ€™ve been somewhat gentler on my system. Always a gamble though ...
2024-Apr-09 05:03

Elimination Diets and Childhood Asthma: Your Experiences?

#17 ๐ŸŒพ After shifting to organic foods, particularly for dairy and meat, we noticed a significant improvement. Something t ...
2024-Apr-21 03:50

Overcoming Exercise-Induced Asthma: Personal Stories and Tips

#08 ๐Ÿ‘ CardioQueen99 Hydration is key! I carry a water bottle with me wherever I go, especially during exercise. It makes ...
2024-Apr-09 02:14

Smart Inhalers: Are They the Future of Asthma Care?

#03 ๐Ÿ‘ AsthmaQueen23 I get what you're saying, but technology can be a game-changer in managing chronic conditions like as ...
2024-Mar-29 04:23

Corticosteroids Inhalers: A Bridge Over Troubled Breathing?

#20 wheezewarrior33 Marko, you've got the spirit! Asthma may throw punches, but with our inhalers as our cornermen, we' ...
2024-Apr-21 15:09

The Role of Allergies in Childhood Asthma

#07 ๐Ÿ˜ž I hate allergies, they make my chest feel tight all the time :(
2024-Apr-04 12:43