Katarina Horakova
@daisyduck05 Posts
Educational Programs for Asthma Awareness in the Workplace
😔 Working in a bakery is a nightmare for my asthma, all that flour dust. Wish my gaffer would listen to us more
2024-Apr-03 04:01
😠breezy90 Tried, mate, I have. It's like talking to a brick wall. Reckon it's time to get the union involved, get so ...
2024-Apr-16 00:01
Does Exercise Impact Asthma Medication Usage?
🚨 Exercise has defs made a huge difference for me. But yeah, without my inhaler handy, I ain't risking it. Safety fir ...
2024-Mar-28 20:29
Innovations in Asthma Inhalers: Are Newer Devices Better?
😔 Maybe it's just me, but I find all these techy inhalers overwhelming. Miss the days when things were simple and str ...
2024-Apr-07 23:59
Is Telehealth Changing Asthma Care for Better?
😌 As someone with severe asthma, Telehealth's a lifeline. Can monitor my condition without risking a hospital visit ...
2024-Mar-24 21:29