Amir Hossein Zadeh


@clean_eats_only52 Posts

Vegan Diet: A Solution for Asthma?

#13 🤷 Vegan diet helped with my overall health but sadly, not my asthma. It’s crucial to remember that what works for o ...
2024-Apr-12 07:38

Social Stigma and Asthma: Sharing Personal Experiences

#02 👍 Totally with you, WheezyBee82. Asthma's no joke, but the social stigma? That's a whole other beast. Nothing worse t ...
2024-Mar-28 16:31

The Future of Air Purification: Forthcoming Innovations benefiting Asthma Patients

#03 😍 Got to side with TechyBean23 here, the potential for UV tech in air purification is immense, especially for us stru ...
2024-Apr-08 04:33
#13 👍 PollenHater22 You're spot on! It's a combo deal—tech, medicine, and lifestyle changes. Can't just rely on a fancy ...
2024-Apr-16 03:56

The Impact of Indoor Air Quality in Schools on Asthma

#19 🌿 Let's not forget, indoor plants and gardens can be educational tools as well. It's a win-win for air quality and le ...
2024-Apr-22 19:28

Can Dietary Changes Alleviate Childhood Asthma Symptoms?

#02 😐 I'm all for natural remedies, but let's not dismiss inhalers. My young'un still needs their puff when things get wh ...
2024-Mar-12 23:02

Is There a Genetic Link to Childhood Asthma and Allergies?

#11 😡 Mad respect for the environment chat. Where we live, the air's thick enough to chew. Kiddo's always coughing. Feels ...
2024-Apr-07 03:25

Frankincense: An Ancient Remedy for Modern Asthma?

#24 🥗 Pairing frankincense with a proper diet might enhance its effects against asthma. It's all about holistic well-bein ...
2024-Apr-22 13:57