Clara de Vries


@ZephyrMind55 Posts

Mindfulness and Asthma: Can Meditation Improve Exercise Tolerance?

#14 📚 WheezeWizard44, There's actual evidence showing mindfulness can reduce stress, which in turn helps manage asthma sy ...
2024-Apr-16 22:23

The Science Behind Homeopathy and Asthma Relief

#09 🤗 Homeopathy's about balancing the body's energy, right? I'm no expert, but if it could help ease symptoms alongside ...
2024-Apr-11 00:17

Are There Any Weather Conditions Ideal for Asthmatics to Exercise In?

#22 🌼 wheezewarrior86 Spring mornings are indeed magical for asthmatics. The energy and freshness of the air make workout ...
2024-Apr-22 10:45

Pets and Severe Asthma: How to Make It Work?

#05 😇 I find fish to be the best option. Low allergen, tranquil to watch, and no fur flying around causing havoc! They're ...
2024-Apr-01 16:29