Attila Nagy
@SneezyPete45 Posts
Are Your Cleaning Products Making Your Asthma Worse?
🌿 Is all this eco-talk proven, though? I'm all for saving the planet but need my cleaning products to actually work ...
2024-Mar-23 10:24
😖 EcoWarrior88, Dabbled with the DIY approach. Works a treat for most things, but a right pain for others. There's on ...
2024-Apr-05 03:05
📝 It's a balance, ain't it? Effective cleaning without turning your home into a chemical warfare zone. Cheers for the ...
2024-Apr-11 10:11
Can Natural Scents Trigger Asthma?
🙂 Ironically, I've never had an issue with natural scents. In fact, I find them quite soothing. Might be down to indi ...
2024-Mar-13 14:25
Integrating Exercise into Asthma Management Plans: Your Experiences?
😟 My doc said cardio is key, but I get wheezy. Is it normal to struggle at first? How do you all deal with it?
2024-Apr-14 21:06
Are there innovative asthma treatments on the horizon?
👴 I believe in traditional remedies more than these new-fangled treatments. Our ancestors knew a thing or two about a ...
2024-Apr-03 18:51
😤 I prefer sticking to my inhaler and nebulizer routine rather than relying on fancy apps. Call me old school, but it ...
2024-Apr-14 14:26
🤝 asthmaqueen89 Well said! Let's keep our spirits up and stay informed about all the new advancements in asthma treat ...
2024-Apr-21 08:49