Giovanni Bernini


@RhythmRider27 Posts

How Do Children with Asthma Cope Psychologically?

#14 🎡 Music therapy can be a game-changer, folks. Playing an instrument like the harmonica can actually improve their lun ...
2024-Apr-07 17:16

Can Omega-3 Fatty Acids Really Ease Asthma Symptoms?

#07 😐 FishyDoc99 Mate, are you sure it's not just a placebo effect? There are no solid medical studies confirming Omega-3 ...
2024-Mar-20 07:11
#19 🀝 FishyDoc99 Fair enough, pal. Personal experiences do hold weight. Just hoping for more research into this area so w ...
2024-Apr-12 11:40

Are Digital Health Trackers Reducing Emergency Asthma Incidents?

#21 πŸš€ Seeing real-time data of my health has been a game-changer. It's one giant leap forward in managing asthma effectiv ...
2024-Apr-21 22:59