Jakub Svoboda
@PurifyGuru88 Posts
What's the Best Air Purifier Technology for Asthma?
😑 ZeroPollutionKnight You’ve got a point, but let's not forget that not all of us live in areas where ‘fresh air� ...
2024-Mar-30 22:43
Does Omalizumab Work for All Types of Asthma?
😟 Does anyone else worry about long-term side effects of biologic treatments like Omalizumab? Short-term relief's coo ...
2024-Apr-02 08:24
Coping Mechanisms for the Psychological Side Effects of Asthma Medications
😣 PuffMaster77 Totally with you. It’s like a weird puzzle, except the pieces keep changing shapes. Staying optimist ...
2024-Mar-29 16:23
Magnesium for Asthma: Miracle Mineral or Hype?
😂 LungLover73 Mohammed, the topical approach is legit. Magnesium oil on the chest before bed. Sounds bonkers but feel ...
2024-Apr-10 14:54