Daria Nowak


@PollutionHater34 Posts

Protective Gear That Can Shield You From Asthma Triggers At Work

#10 😑 Honestly, till we sort out the air pollution crisis, we're just plugging holes in a sinking ship. Clean air laws ne ...
2024-Apr-08 03:54

The Impact of Green Tea on Asthma Control: A Healthy Brew?

#19 πŸ‘ BreatheInTea42, exactly! It's about the overall lifestyle. Green tea's just a piece of the puzzle but a lovely, soo ...
2024-Apr-18 18:54

Bulk Buying Asthma Medication: Smart Saving or Risky Business?

#18 🌍 While we argue the merits and demerits, let's not ignore the environmental impact. Bulk buying means less packaging ...
2024-Apr-19 04:11

Are Household Cleaners Triggering Your Child's Asthma?

#14 🀩 Been using enzyme-based cleaners lately. They reckon it’s safer around kids and pets, and so far, so good. Anyone ...
2024-Apr-20 07:26