László Farkas


@MadHatter22 Posts

Can Office Buildings Be Asthma-Friendly?

#13 🌟 JetSet27 Love the badge idea! It'd give companies an incentive, plus a way to show they actually give a toss about ...
2024-Apr-10 12:42

Are Smart Inhalers the Future of Asthma Care?

#07 😰 Has anyone thought about privacy concerns? All this data being collected is a hacker's dream
2024-Mar-20 06:47

LABAs vs. Short-Acting Beta-Agonists (SABAs): What's the Difference?

#02 😌 Gotta say, SABAs are me lifeline during a flare-up. Wouldn't trade my rescue inhaler for anything, even if it's jus ...
2024-Apr-01 23:45

The Use of Probiotics in Asthma Management: Science or Speculation?

#19 📈 TurboSnail45 Mate, I reckon so. There’s a big shift towards understanding how our lifestyle, including diet, impa ...
2024-Apr-21 06:45