Emma Patel


@BreezyBee28 Posts

Pediatric Asthma: Should Steroids Be a Go-To Option?

#01 😟 Honestly think we need to tread carefully when it comes to steroids for kiddos with asthma. They're not just a quic ...
2024-Mar-27 06:58

Innovations in Asthma Treatment: Beyond Steroids, What's Next?

#16 🌳 Living in a city, pollution's a major problem. I reckon more greening and eco-friendly initiatives can also help us ...
2024-Apr-18 02:57

Raw Food Veganism: An Extreme Change for Asthma Relief?

#18 🌟 Raw veganism seems like a drastic change, but if it helps manage asthma symptoms without relying heavily on medicat ...
2024-Apr-22 03:05

Personalized Asthma Treatment Plans: The Future?

#04 🤔 I'm a bit skeptical about personalized treatment plans. Will they really work better than the current options? Some ...
2024-Mar-31 05:02
#08 🌍 I'm all for progress, but let's not forget the basics. Education and awareness are just as crucial in managing asth ...
2024-Apr-13 16:42