Darius Shirazi


@AsthmaGuru45 Posts

Are Multi-Dose Inhalers Leading the Way in Asthma Treatment?

#08 πŸ€” The tech advancements in inhalers are impressive, but are we overlooking simpler solutions? Sometimes, less is more
2024-Apr-07 16:01

`The Link Between Indoor Pollution and Childhood Asthma Symptoms`

#03 😟 I reckon outdoor pollution gets all the limelight, but our gaffs can be proper dodgy for the lil ones with asthma ...
2024-Apr-08 22:11
#13 πŸ€” Anyone else thought about air purifiers? Read somewhere they could be the bee's knees for filtering out pollutants ...
2024-Apr-20 10:04

The Challenge of Adolescence: Managing Asthma in Teen Years

#07 πŸ™„ What's the deal with everyone treating exercise like it's a cure? "Just run more," they say. As if my lungs would m ...
2024-Apr-08 02:30

The Role of Tea Tree Oil in Asthma Management

#05 ⚠️ Listen up, loves! It’s all about HOW you use it. Tea tree oil should never be ingested or applied directly to the ...
2024-Mar-23 08:19
#17 ✌️ AsthmaDoc45 Right on, doc. Consulting with a healthcare pro is key. But incorporating natural remedies under guidan ...
2024-Apr-17 17:33

Can Smart Home Systems Prevent Asthma Attacks?

#09 🌟 Smart home technology is the future of asthma management. It's all about creating a healthy environment to breathe ...
2024-Apr-02 10:34