Vegetarianism: Types, Benefits, and Considerations

Vegetarianism is a dietary choice that excludes meat, poultry, and fish. It is often adopted for ethical, environmental, or health reasons.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Vegetarianism FAQ

What does it mean to be a vegetarian?

Vegetarianism is a popular diet choice, whether temporary or lifelong. But what exactly does it mean to be a vegetarian? In the most basic sense, vegetarians do not eat meat.

What is vegetarianism & why is it important?

vegetarianism, the theory or practice of living solely upon vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, and nuts —with or without the addition of milk products and eggs —generally for ethical, ascetic, environmental, or nutritional reasons.

What does a vegetarian eat?

The vegetarian diet includes grains, vegetables, fruits, and nuts; it excludes meat, poultry, and fish, but some vegetarians eat dairy products (lactovegetarians), egg products (ovovegetarians), or both (ovolactovegetarians). Those who eat no animal products (including honey) are called vegans.

Vegetarianism References

If you want to know more about Vegetarianism, consider exploring links below:

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