Supporting Brain And Heart Health - Vitality Through Nutrition

Promoting overall well-being by enhancing brain function and cardiovascular health.
Related products/activities
Neurological Health | Cardiovascular Care | Brain Health | Heart-healthy Foods
Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Supporting Brain And Heart Health FAQ

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Does your brain play a role in heart health?

You probably already know that protecting your heart health requires eating well, exercising, and controlling well-known risk factors for heart disease such as high blood pressure. But did you know that your brain plays an important role in heart health as well?

Is there a connection between brain health and cardiovascular health?

Current evidence suggests a robust connection between brain health and cardiovascular health. Damage to the heart and blood vessels can increase a person’s risk of stroke and dementia. A stroke occurs when a clot blocks blood flow or when a blood vessel ruptures in the brain.

Is there a link between heart and brain health?

Updated data from the American Heart Association (AHA) emphasize the crucial link between heart and brain health. Image credit: Hiroshi Watanabe/Getty Images. The 2022 Update of the AHA’s Heart Disease and Stroke Statistics emphasizes the bidirectional relationship between brain and heart health.

Can a healthy heart improve brain function?

A new study found that markers of a healthy heart were associated with better brain function. More research is needed, but this study highlights the need for understanding underlying mechanisms driving heart and brain health. While you cannot change the structure of your heart directly, there are steps you can take to support your heart and brain.

Supporting Brain And Heart Health References

If you want to know more about Supporting Brain And Heart Health, consider exploring links below:

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