Gluten sensitivity is a milder form of gluten-related reactions, leading to digestive issues, bloating, and fatigue after consuming gluten-containing foods.
Related products/activities
Gluten-Containing Foods | Wheat Sensitivity | Food Intolerances | Gluten Reactions | Gluten Digestive Problems
Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Gluten Sensitivity FAQ

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What is gluten sensitivity?

Gluten sensitivity is a reaction to gluten—a protein in wheat, rye, and barley—that can result in wide-ranging symptoms from gastrointestinal issues, headache, brain fog, neuropathy, and depression.

Is gluten sensitivity a neurologic disease?

"Gluten sensitivity is primarily a neurologic disease. The gastrointestinal symptoms are caused by an irritation to the autonomic nervous system—that's the involuntary system that runs your heart, lungs, and gut. When you go into autonomic overload from gluten, you get those symptoms."

Is gluten sensitivity the same as celiac disease?

This is not the same as having celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that causes a severe reaction to the presence of gluten. This article discusses the symptoms, testing, and dietary treatment for gluten sensitivity and outlines how it differs from celiac disease.

Do you have a gluten sensitivity?

If you are experiencing symptoms when eating foods that contain wheat, barley, rye or oats and think you may have a sensitivity to gluten, it’s important to first rule out coeliac disease.

What causes gluten sensitivity?

There is also some debate around whether gluten is the cause of the sensitivity or if other components are to blame. These components are also removed from the diet when gluten containing ingredients are removed, for example Fermentable Oligo- Di- Mono-saccharides and Polyols (FODMAPs) and other non gluten proteins found in wheat.

Gluten Sensitivity References

If you want to know more about Gluten Sensitivity, consider exploring links below:

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