Boosting Your Immune Response Effectively

A strengthened ability of the immune system to fight infections and diseases, achievable through various interventions.
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Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Enhanced Immune Response FAQ

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Are delayed Viral responses effective early innate immune antagonism and evasion?

Delayed responses, compared to rapid viral RNA replication, suggest effective early innate immune antagonism and evasion 12, 13. Here, we evaluated differences in replication and host responses to Alpha and first-wave isolates: B lineage BetaCoV/Australia/VIC01/2020 (VIC) and B.1.13 hCoV-19/England/IC19/2020 (IC19) (Fig. 1a ).

Is increased antigen exposure an immunological benefit?

These findings suggest an immunological benefit of increased antigen exposure, both from natural infection and vaccination, particularly evident in those receiving heterologous vaccination with saRNA and mRNA.

Does alpha-enhanced innate immune antagonism affect early-lineage viral recognition?

Thus, Alpha-enhanced innate immune antagonism, as judged by decreased protein phosphorylation, is only observed at early time points after infection, suggesting a delayed activation of signalling pathways involved in viral recognition compared to early-lineage viruses.

Enhanced Immune Response References

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