Antimicrobial Properties - Microorganism Inhibition

Antimicrobial properties refer to the ability of a substance to inhibit or destroy the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi, helping to prevent infections.
Related products/activities
Microorganism Inhibition | Infection Prevention | Antibacterial Substances
Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Antimicrobial Properties FAQ

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What is an antimicrobial agent?

Antimicrobial agent, any of a variety of chemical compounds and physical agents used to destroy microorganisms or to prevent their development. The production and use of the antibiotic penicillin in the early 1940s formed the basis for modern antimicrobial therapy. Learn more about antimicrobial agents.

What is an antimicrobial medicine?

An antimicrobial is an agent that kills microorganisms ( microbicide) or stops their growth ( bacteriostatic agent ). Antimicrobial medicines can be grouped according to the microorganisms they act primarily against. For example, antibiotics are used against bacteria, and antifungals are used against fungi.

How do antimicrobial agents affect microorganisms?

The use of antimicrobial agents, in particular the broad-spectrum agents, can result in an alteration in the number and type of microorganisms normally found on the skin and mucosal surfaces. This is due to the inhibitory activity of the antimicrobial agent on sensitive microorganisms found on these tissues.

What are antimicrobial products?

This definition excludes completely synthetic products which are antimicrobials, a broader term referring to any substance that has this effect. Many of the antimicrobials in common use are true antibiotics, being isolated from bacteria and fungi, but some are not.

Antimicrobial Properties References

If you want to know more about Antimicrobial Properties, consider exploring links below:

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