Infection Prevention - Key Strategies for Disease Control

Infection prevention strategies aim to reduce the spread of pathogens and diseases in various settings. Maintaining hygiene is key to infection control.
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Epidemiology | Infection Control Practices | Public Health Measures | Disease Control Strategies | Pathogen Spread Prevention
Prepared by Lee Cheng, reviewed by Dr. Helena Rodriguez

Infection Prevention FAQ

How can we prevent and control infection?

Effective prevention and control of infection must be part of everyday practice and be applied consistently by everyone. Good management and organisational processes are crucial to make sure that high standards of IPC (including cleanliness) are developed and maintained.

Why is infection prevention and control important?

Without effective IPC it is impossible to achieve quality health care delivery. Infection prevention and control effects all aspects of health care, including hand hygiene, surgical site infections, injection safety, antimicrobial resistance and how hospitals operate during and outside of emergencies.

Where can I find a course on infection control?

Care Courses Online – Infection Prevention and Control in Healthcare Social care institute for excellence – Infection control e-learning course Department of Health and Health Protection Agency (2009), Clostridium difficile infection: how to deal with the problem

What are standard infection control precautions (SICPS)?

Standard infection control precautions (SICPs) are to be used by all staff, in all care settings, at all times, for all patients whether infection is known to be present or not, to ensure the safety of those being cared for, staff and visitors in the care environment.

Infection Prevention References

If you want to know more about Infection Prevention, consider exploring links below:

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